
Pivot or Persevere?

  • 05 Jan, 2023
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When solving complex engineering problems, there are times that we feel we have hit a wall. We have invested so much time and energy into the solution. The way forward is rough and challenging, and going back seems like a waste. In these dark moments, knowing which way to push is critical. Here , we will discuss what decision-making factors to consider and how to evaluate the options. We will go through two case studies that each had an incredible outcome while taking different approaches. One pivoted, and one persevered.

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Why load balancing gRPC is tricky?

  • 22 Dec, 2020
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gRPC is commonly used for microservices communication due to its performance, low latency and serialization capabilities. But gRPC connections are sticky. In fact they are too sticky that make the load balancing very tricky and difficult. It is important to understand why and what is a proper way to handle it to avoid services overloading and interruption.

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Two KMS keys, One alias

  • 05 Oct, 2019
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Two parameter store values using the same KMS key alias, one decrypts and the other raises an Access Denied exception, while the corresponding IAM role has access to that KMS key ARN.

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Securing MicroServices

  • 06 Sep, 2018
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With migration to MicroServices architecture, it is extremely critical for us to control which user/service has access to which other services and which actions are permitted or should be denied.

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Business value of Polyglot programming

  • 25 Apr, 2017
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When facing a technical problem, being technology agnostic enables you to pick the best tool for the job. You can also break a problem in to several smaller components and pick the best suitable technology for each.

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MySQL Memory engine index

  • 12 Mar, 2012
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By default, Memory Engine uses Hash index type to index the table, which will make it pretty much unusable and very slow performer for prefix matches and range look-ups.

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MySQL synchronous vs. asynchronous replication

  • 25 Jan, 2012
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When it comes to choose your MySQL replication setup you have the choice between Asynchronous replication or Semi-Synchronous replication.The way these two differ is interesting and would be very useful when you are choosing your architecture.

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Determine MySQL table’s primary key dynamically

  • 06 Oct, 2011
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You may have been in a situation which you may need to figure out what is the PRIMARY key field of a given table. Or even if it is a compound key what are the columns building the PRIMARY key. This usually helps a lot when you’re making some generic tools to do some jobs on a given table.

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MySQL triggers ; error 1442

  • 05 Jul, 2011
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MySQL Trigger is a powerful tool to provide the data consistency and accuracy among your tables or Database in general. The only disadvantage among Triggers is that they’re not able to update the same table they’re based on.

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MySQL federated tables

  • 17 May, 2011
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MySQL FEDERATED Table is a proxy to a regular table located in another DB server. You will see the table as a local table while it’s being located in another MySQL Database Server.

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